One piece opening 17 (Wake Up)

One piece newest opening wake up.


violet is a former assasin and officer from the  Army division of the Donquixote Pirates.violet is a young slender women,who wears a red rose in her hair and a spoty dress with purple high heels on.Like most of the dancing women of Dressrosa, Viola appears to be emotional and romantic, and as many in Acacia she will stab a man in the back if he betrays her.Viola is a very graceful Flamenco dancer.Viola ate the Giro Giro no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows her to form “goggles” via her fingers, which she can use to see through everything (akin to X-ray vision) and read the minds of others, as well as allow others to see into her memories in return. It was due to this that she managed to see through all the men who attempted to lie to her.

Debut: Chapter 703; Episode 632

The Eleven Supernovas

The Eleven Supernovas is a term that refers to the top rookie Pirates, with bounties over Bsymbol.gif100,000,000 who arrived in the Sabaody Archipelago before the Whitebeard War.Nearly every Supernova (except Roronoa Zoro and Killer) are Devil Fruit users and serve as captains of pirate ships. According to Shakuyaku, ones of the Supernovas could potentially be responsible for inspiring a whole new generation of pirates.

With the exception of the Straw Hat Pirates, most Supernovas attempted to avoid the paths of the World Nobles. Coincidentally, all the Supernovas arrived on the Sabaody Archipelago at the same time which caused a series of issues for the Marines. In addition, all of them, except for the Straw Hat Pirates and the Heart Pirates, entered the New World almost at the same time.

First Appearance: Chapter 498, Episode 392
Total Bounty: Bsymbol10.gif2,152,000,000


Captain Shu  was one of the Marine captains that helped in the Buster Call on Enies Lobby.He has the power of the Sabi Sabi no Mi- rust rust and successfully destroyed one of Zoro’s swords he is a paramica  type.

First Appearance: Chapter 426; Episode 309

Marine rank part 1

Fleet Admiral  is the highest Marine rank, and is the commander of the entire organization

Current Fleet Admiral
  • Sakazuki

Admiral  is the second highest rank in the Marines. There are only three Marines who hold this title at a time

Current Admirals
  • Borsalino

Vice Admiral  is the third highest rank in the Marines.

Current Vice Admirals
  • Tsuru
  • John Giant
  • Comil (G-2)
  • Momonga (G-1)
  • Onigumo
  • Doberman
  • Strawberry
  • Yamakaji
  • Lacroix
  • Ronse
  • Stainless
  • Mozambia
  • Cancer
  • Dalmatian
  • Bastille
  • Smoker (G-5)
  • Vergo (G-5)
  • Jonathan (G-8,)

Rear Admiral” is the fourth highest rank in the Marine

Current Rear Admirals
  • Sicily
  • Catacombo
  • Kadar (G-2)
  • Yukimura

Commodore is the fifth highest rank in the Marine

Current Commodores
  • Daigin
  • Yarisugi (G-5)
  • Kibin

Captain  is the sixth highest rank in the Marine.

Current Captains
  • Hina (Headquarters)
  • T-Bone (Headquarters)
  • Very Good (Headquarters)
  • Shu (Headquarters)
  • Sharinguru (Headquarters)
  • Gorilla (Headquarters)
  • Tashigi (G-5)
  • Nezumi (Branch)
  • Moore (Headquarters

Type in on search marine ranks part 2

One Piece OST – Very Strongest

This is a one piece theme song called very strongest the theme song mostly comes on when someone in one piece is about to fight.The theme song can be for any character or crew but the theme song is mostly based on luffy and his crew.

The Blackbeard Pirates

The Blackbeard Pirates  are a crew of pirates led by Blackbeard. Initially, his crew consists of the marksman Van Ogre; Jesus Burgess, the crew’s helmsman who possesses immense physical strength; Lafitte originally a policeman; and the sickly physician Doc Q with his equally sickly horse Strongheart. Later Blackbeard recruits a number of prisoners from Impel Down: San Juan Wolf Vasco Shot,Catarina Devon, and Avalo Pizarro, as well as the prison’s deposed chief jailer, Shiryuu.

what is a devil fruit

Devil Fruit  called Cursed Fruit and is a mystical fruit found in the world that can give the eater many different and varying kinds of strange and interesting abilities depending on the type and variation of the fruit itself. There are some seen only in the anime and different ones seen only in the manga. However, most of them appear in both and are crucial in the storyline where many main characters possess their powers.